Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji successfully performed the surgical correction. Tensor fascia lata harvested from the dorsolateral aspect of the thigh was used as the sling. Intraoral incision was placed in the left side of the cheek closer to the corner of the lips to approach the orbicularis oris muscle. A small incision was placed in the left zygomatic arch region.
A tunnel was created subdermally between the 2 incisions. A zygomatic awl was inserted through the tiny incision and the zygomatic arch was identified. The ends of the fascia were passed through the intraoral incision into the tunnel using the awl and turned around the zygomatic arch. Fascia lata was brought down back again and sutured to the atrophied orbicularis oris muscle acting as a sling at the angle of the mouth. All these transfers were made as tight as possible. Lateral Tarsorraphy was performed to correct the incomplete closure of the eye. Results were immediate showing elevated corner of the lips and corrected eye closure.