Some defects of the nose may be acquired as a result of trauma or accident injury. Nose defects affect the facial appearance making the person self-conscious about their looks. Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji performs an augmentation rhinoplasty to reconstruct the nose giving it a more defined, sharp form. A pristine nose makes the face more attractive boosting the person’s appearance & confidence.
Balanced facial features enhance the facial profile and make the face attractive. An improved appearance will also boost self esteem and enhance the personality. Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji performs a simultaneous correction of the protruding upper jaw & nose defect. The jaw bone is sculpted and realigned in a more appropriate position & the nose is made sharp & pristine improving both smile and appearance. Since the surgery is approached from inside the mouth & inside the nose, there is no scarring. CASE ICASE IIThe shape, size & proportion of the nose define the attractiveness of the face to a large extent. Defects of the nose affect the appearance and can make the person to become embarrassed about their looks.
Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is done to correct nasal defects. Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji is credited with achieving great results in enhancing the aesthetics of the nose & in-turn the face with rhinoplasty. Seen here are photographs of a patient who had a humped nose. Following reduction rhinoplasty, the nose was reshaped & given a sharper, natural form improving the profile. The surgery done from inside the nose caused no scarring. |
March 2017