A girl came to our dental clinic seeking to restore her decayed upper front teeth. The unsightly decay of the upper left lateral incisor was deflecting from an otherwise bright smile. Our restorative dental specialist successfully removed the decay which was affecting the enamel and dentin only. Using LCR (light cure restoration) the tooth shape and form was restored with exact color match giving her an enhanced, natural looking smile. A 20 year old boy reported to our dental clinic with the complaints of complete missing teeth both in upper and lower jaw. He wanted to have fixed replacement for the same. He was a known ectodermal dysplasia patient with completely edentulous jaws. Due to his missing teeth condition, jaw bone in the teeth bearing region was less volumetric and less dense giving his face an aged appearance. He gave the history of wearing removable dentures which was very uncomfortable. His personality and self confidence were severely affected. He was too self conscious to smile. Maxillofacial Surgeon and Implantologist Dr. S. M. Balaji expertly planned to replace his missing teeth with dental implants. Bone deficient regions of jaw were enhanced with bone graft obtained intra orally from excess bony regions. Successfully implants were fixed in the upper and lower jaw. After 3 months implants were loaded with fixed ceramic prosthesis. Patient was very happy to have a new, young looking and beautiful smile which gave him enhanced appearance and boosted his self confidence. A 25 year old man reported to our dental clinic with the complaints of fractured upper front tooth due to accidental fall few days back. He did not complain of any sensitivity or pain in the tooth region. After thorough examination and vitality testing it was proved Elli’s class II fracture involving only dentin.
Our restorative dental specialist skillfully carved the tooth to its original shape, size and shade using LCR (light cure restoration). The results are immediate and the patient was very happy to have his tooth built with more esthetics and a completely natural look. Nothing boosts your appearance and self-confidence like a beautiful smile! One of the best ways to enhance your smile is tooth whitening or tooth bleaching.
Our cosmetic dentistry specialists work on giving you whiter teeth and healthier smiles. Seen here are photographs of a patient who sought teeth bleaching treatment at our clinic. Results are immediate and the patient’s teeth color brightened considerably. |
January 2021