After thorough clinical and radiological examination, Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S. M. Balaji planned to correct her face in a single surgery without any scars on her face. Intraorally, maxilla was advanced by Le Fort I osteotomy and mandibular bone plate was removed. Using bicoronal flap the frontal bone correction was done and orbitoparietal portion of skull and glabella depression was augmented using costochondral rib graft. Depressed dorsum of the nose was also augmented using costochondral rib graft. Superior orbital rim was also augmented using rib graft. Thus entire facial rehabilitation was done without any visible scars on the face. Patient and her family were very happy to see her facial transformation.
A 35 year old lady reported to my hospital with the complaints of facial disharmony due to road traffic accident happened 1 year back. She said first aid and fractured facial bone correction done in different hospital at her home town. But the outcome of the surgery was not satisfactory. She wanted to correct her face without much scars on her face. After thorough clinical and radiological examination, Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S. M. Balaji planned to correct her face in a single surgery without any scars on her face. Intraorally, maxilla was advanced by Le Fort I osteotomy and mandibular bone plate was removed. Using bicoronal flap the frontal bone correction was done and orbitoparietal portion of skull and glabella depression was augmented using costochondral rib graft. Depressed dorsum of the nose was also augmented using costochondral rib graft. Superior orbital rim was also augmented using rib graft. Thus entire facial rehabilitation was done without any visible scars on the face. Patient and her family were very happy to see her facial transformation.
Surgical correction of nose deformities also known as the “Nose Job” requires expertise and experience. The surgeons estimate the type of defect - either excess or deficit of the height, deviations, depressions, slants and abnormally angled noses. The patient’s expectation of his/her nose is understood after careful examination. Shown is a case with of a deficiency of the bridge portion of nose with bulky tip. Note the midlevel of the nasal bone, where there is a deficiency creating a huge impact on the patient’s facial profile. This gives the nose a saddle-shape. Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji planned a closed rhinoplasty technique wherein the surgical approach is through the nose to prevent unsightly scars.Appropriate measurement of nose was made and the amount of augmentation needed was noted. Autologous graft (rib graft) was harvested, shaped and positioned to improve the aesthetics of the nose. Bulky tip of the nose was also corrected intranasally by removing excessively curved lower lateral nasal septal cartilage. The patient was very happy with the surgery outcome and her enhanced appearance. This is a case of huge dermal scar revision. Due to road traffic accident the patient had a skin abrasion 5 months back. He was very unhappy due to a depression in the lower jaw and upper neck region on the left side with absence of hair growth in the affected region, and a thick scar that was adherent to the underlying bone, which was affecting his appearance. He wished to have the complete scar revision to enhance his facial appearance. Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji successfully removed the thick scar tissue which was strongly adherent to the underlying bone. The depression was reconstructed by the mobilization of platysma and skin by following double layer closure. The patient was happy that his appearance was greatly improved. A 27 year-old man came to our hospital with a complaint of swelling with pain in his lower jaw. A digital X-ray took revealed a large cystic lesion extending from premolar to premolar of the mandible with complete erosion of the labial plate and impacted canine tooth. Histopathological examination of the specimen showed it to be a dentigerous cyst. Maxillofacial surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji expertly removed the entire cystic lesion along with the lining with affected tooth in toto. Defective portion of the lower jaw was reconstructed using costochondral rib graft and bone protein rhBMP2. Following surgery the wound healed well and the patient was happy to be cured of his ailment. |
April 2021