Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S. M. Balaji successfully performed the facial fracture rehabilitation. Under general anesthesia, iliac graft was obtained from the medial cortex using trap door technique. Upper central and lateral incisors were extracted; implants were placed in the freshly extracted sockets. To compensate for the bony defect, iliac bone was placed and fixed using screws. To address the orbital floor fracture, transconjuctival incision was placed with lateral canthotomy. The fracture along the frontozygomatic suture and lateral orbital wall was stabilized using bone plates and screws, the herniated orbital contents were then retracted. Titanium mesh contoured, adapted over the floor and fixed using screws. Iliac graft placed over the mesh. The nasal bone was elevated and a nasal pack placed. On the 3rd post-operative day the patient demonstrated full range of ocular movements with regression of double vision.