She had right-sided macrostomia, a short lingual frenum with resultant tongue tie and a prominent right preauricular cartilaginous ear tag.
The short lingual frenum was addressed first. Fibers of the lingual frenum were dissected free and the tongue tie was released. Her right-sided macrostomia was corrected using a vermillion return flap technique. This involved reconstruction of the modiolus on the right side.
The orbicularis oris muscle was first identified and sutured. Buccinator was then identified and sutured. This resulted in a symmetrical reconstruction of the angle of the mouth.
Attention was then turned to the right ear tag. An incision was made and the cartilaginous part of the ear tag was dissected and excised. The incision was then closed resulting in establishment of good facial esthetics for the little girl from the surgery.
Her parents were extremely satisfied with the results of the surgery.