Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji successfully performed the cleft lip repair using modified Millard’s technique. Following suture removal 7 days after surgery, the baby’s appearance was greatly enhanced. The baby’s parents were very happy to have the cleft lip defect corrected with negligible scar.
A 3 month old baby girl was born with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Her parents brought her to our hospital for surgical management. Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji successfully performed the cleft lip repair using modified Millard’s technique. Following suture removal 7 days after surgery, the baby’s appearance was greatly enhanced. The baby’s parents were very happy to have the cleft lip defect corrected with negligible scar.
Successful removal of huge dentigerous cyst in lower jaw along with the impacted canine tooth28/4/2016 A 23 year-old boy came to our hospital with a complaint of swelling with pain in his lower jaw. A digital X-ray took revealed a large cystic lesion extending from anterior teeth to premolar of the mandible with complete erosion of the labial plate and impacted canine tooth. Histopathological examination of the specimen showed it to be a dentigerous cyst. Maxillofacial surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji expertly removed the entire cystic lesion along with the lining with affected teeth in toto. Following surgery the wound healed well and the patient was happy to be cured of his ailment. A 26-year-old girl reported to our hospital seeking specialized treatment to correct her cleft nose defect. She was previously operated for cleft lip and palate elsewhere in her childhood. Due to the cleft defect her nose was collapsed on the left side and it affected her facial appearance. Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji expertly performed the rhinoplasty or nose correction. A costochondral graft (rib graft) was harvested and used to reconstruct the collapsed nasal framework. The surgery was approached from inside the nose so there was no scar. Immediately after surgery, the nose appeared sharp and definite giving a more pleasing appearance. The patient was very happy to have her nose defect corrected without any scars. A 3 month old baby boy was born with unilateral cleft lip and palate. His parents brought him to our hospital for surgical management.
Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S.M. Balaji successfully performed the cleft lip repair using modified Millard’s technique. Following suture removal 7 days after surgery, the baby’s appearance was greatly enhanced. The baby’s parents were very happy to have the cleft lip defect corrected with negligible scar. A 26 year old woman reported to our hospital with the complaint of swelling in the right side of her face. She added that the swelling was increasing in size dramatically and the lower anterior teeth are mobile teeth. She was very cautious about this progressive swelling which made her under huge depression. After thorough clinical and radiological examination, Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. S. M. Balaji diagnosed ameloblastoma extending from right side of the body of the mandible till the other side. Surgery was planned to remove the lesion and reconstruct the affected jaw portion in a single stage. Through gingivomucoperiosteal flap, complete removal of the lesion along with the involved teeth with sufficient clearance of the bone was done under General anesthesia. Costochondral rib graft was harvested and fixed to it. Flap was approximated and sutured. Patient was happy to have both removal and reconstruction in a single surgery. |
April 2021